
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: November 2 - 5, 2023

Darin Utley Eliminated in 4th Place ($43,669)

Created (11/5/2023 10:15:02 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Darin Utley raised all in for 2,025,000 from the button and was called by MSPT champ Nick Barksdale from the small blind before Asa Snyder went over the top from the big blind.

Action was back on Barksdale who decided to lay his hand down and the other two players tabled their cards.

Darin Utley:
Asa Snyder:

The flop paired both players, but Utley wasn’t able to pull ahead as the turn followed by the river ended his Main Event run.

Asa Snyder - 10,420,000
Nick Barksdale - 6,000,000
Rob WazWaz - 3,200,000
Darin Utley - Eliminated