
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Urbatsch Flushes Mizutani for KO

Created (12/8/2023 12:01:39 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Rob Urbatsch raised to 9,000 from early position and was called by Takahiro Mizutani directly to his left, along with Paul Cross from the small blind.

The flop was checked to Urbatsch who continued for 10,000 only to have Mizutani raise all-in for 38,000. Cross quicky released his hand while Urbatsch called, and the two platers tabled their hands.

Takahiro Mizutani:
Rob Urbatsch:

Mizutani was ahead holding a made hand of eights, but the turn put Urbatsch in the lead and the river gave him the nuts to eliminate Mizutani.

Rob Urbatsch - 180,000
Takahiro Mizutani - 0