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Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Carodenuto Sets Up a Double Elimination for Heaps

Created (12/8/2023 12:48:05 AM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT champ Chan Pelton raised all in for 28,000 from the hijack and was called by the cutoff, along with three-time champ Carl Carodenuto from the small blind.

Once the flop hit the felt, Carodenuto led out with a bet and then called his opponents 220,000 all-in raise.

Chan Pelton: xxxx
Carl Carodenuto:

Carodenuto pulled ahead after flopping a set of sevens and the turn followed by the river secured him the double elimination.

Carl Carodenuto - 665,000
Chan Pelton - 0