
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Reichard Straightenes Out Simmons' Not So Lucky Sevens

Created (12/8/2023 10:36:35 PM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT champ Moon Ahmed raised from middle position and was called by Bruce Simmons from the small blind, along with MSPT Hall of Famer Josh Reichard from the big blind.

The flop was checked to Ahmed who continued for 13,000. Action was back on Simmons who check-jammed for 51,000 and Reichard went over the top giving him isolation.

Bruce Simmons:
Josh Reichard:

Simmons held a strong set of sevens but it was second best to Reichard’s flopped staright.

The did bring possible chop outs on the turn, but the completed the board on the river and eliminated Simmons from the tournament.

Josh Reichard - 290,000
Moon ahmed - 165,000
Bruce Simmons - 0