
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Gregg Sets Up a Triple, Fink Dropped by Murphy

Created (12/9/2023 9:53:14 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Mark Fink opened for 9,000 from the hijack only to have James Gregg three-bet jam for 33,000 from the button.

Action folded to TJ Murphy who called from the big blind, and Fink called as well bringing about a flop.

Action went check-check, and the dealer turned the .

Murphy quickly moved a 50,000 bet into the middle and Fink called off his stack holding less.

James Gregg:
Mark Fink:
TJ Murphy:

Gregg was ahead after flopping top set, and the river secured his triple-up while Murphy collected Fink’s remaining stack.

TJ Murphy - 361,000
James Gregg - 120,000
Mark Fink - Eliminated