
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Jon Hanner Eliminated in 5th Place ($41,926)

Created (12/10/2023 10:52:27 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Action folded to John Hanner who raised all in for 850,000 from the small blind and Loki Abboud looked him up from the big blind.

Jon Hanner:
Loki Abboud:

The flop paired both players but didn’t change the fact that Hanner was behind and needed some help to stay alive.

The turn wasn’t the worst card for Hanner as it brought possible chop outs, but he still wanted to see either a king or seven fall on the river to double-up.

Unfortunately for him, the paired the board on the river and ended his Main Event in fifth place for $41,926.

Loki Abboud - 3,000,000
Jon Hanner - Eliminated