
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Loki Abboud Eliminated in 4th Place ($55,342)

Created (12/10/2023 11:33:34 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Chou Chang raised the button and then called Loki Abboud’s three-bet jam from the big blind.

Loki Abboud:
Chou Chang:

Abboud had Chang dominated and the flop didn’t change that fact.

However, things changed after the was turned as it left Abboud needing any spade or queen to fall on the river to stay alive.

Unfortunately for Abboud, the completed the board on the river and ended his Main Event run in fourth place for $55,342.

Chou Chang - 2,950,000
Loki Abboud - Eliminated