
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: December 7 - 10, 2023

Michael Crawford Eliminated in 3rd Place ($74,125)

Created (12/11/2023 12:41:06 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Michael Crawford raised all in for 2,500,000 from the button and Chou Chang went over the top from the small blind giving him isolation.

Michael Crawford:
Chou Chang:

Crawford didn’t like seeing Chang roll over a pair of aces, but an eight did appear in the window on the flop giving him a little hope.

The turn left Crawford needing any nine or eight to fall on the river to stay alive, but the completed the board and ended his Main Event in third place for $74,125.

Allan Secord - 16,600,000
Chou Chang - 9.380,000
Michael Crawford - Eliminated