
Awarded to date

The Venetian: December 28 - 30, 2023

Mavro Flushes Rodgers' Set of Jacks for Double

Created (12/29/2023 12:12:26 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Andrew Rodgers raised from late position and Peter Mavro defended his big blind to see a flop.

Mavro check-raised to 55,000 after Rodgers continued for 20,000, and Rodgers quickly three-bet jammed putting Mavro at risk.

After some careful thought, Mavro decided to risk his 207,000 stack and the two players tabled their hands.

Peter Mavro:
Anderew Rodgers:

Rodgers was ahead holding a made hand of jacks and improved after the dealer turned the giving him top set.

Unfortunately for Rodgers, Mavro still held outs, and the that fell on the river was one of them as it completed his flush to secure his double-up.

Peter Mavro - 460,000
Andrew Rodgers - 145,000