
Awarded to date

The Venetian: December 28 - 30, 2023

Shorr Flops Straight Flush and Doubles Through

Created (12/29/2023 12:42:54 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Two-time WSOP bracelet winner Shannon Shorr raised to 12,000 from late position and David Erquiaga defended his big blind to see a flop.

Erquiaga check-raised to 24,000 after Shorr continued for 9,000 and Shorr called bringing about the turn.

Erquiaga led out for 45,000 and Shorr called to see the complete the board on the river. Erquiaga fired out a 50,000 bet and then called Shorr’s 120,000 all-in raise.

Erquiaga rolled over for an eight-high straight but it was way behind Shorr’s flopped straight flush as he collected another late night double.

Shannon Shorr - 390,000
David Erquiaga - 330,000