
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: January 25 - 28, 2024

Hoesing Flushed Out by Blankenship

Created (1/25/2024 10:30:12 PM by Anthony Thompson)


David Blankenship raised to 15,000 from the cutoff and then called Sean Hoesing’s 70,000 three-bet jam from the small blind.

Sean Hoesing:
David Blankenship:

Hoesing was behind until a deuce appeared in the window on the flop, but it also gave Blankenship a heart flush draw.

Unfortunately for Hoesing, his sweat didn’t last long as the dealer turned the completing Blankenship's flush, and river ended his night.

David Blankenship - 345,000
Sean Hoesing - 0