
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: January 25 - 28, 2024

Driggers Fills Up for a Double, Drops Wilkie

Created (1/26/2024 9:55:13 PM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT champ Steve Wilkie open-jammed 17,000 from late position only to have the small blind go over the top for 50,000, and Stephen Driggers call off his 39,000 stack from the big blind.

Steve Wilkie:
Stephen Driggers:
Small Blind:

Driggers was ahead holding a made hand of aces until the dealer dropped a flop giving the small blind top two-pair.

The pairing the board on the turn improved the small blind to a full house and they were looking good to score the double elimination until the came crashing down on the river Securing Driggers the double-up and elimination.

Stephen Driggers - 98,000
Steve Wilkie - 0