
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: January 25 - 28, 2024

Hammers Dodges a Double, Schultz Hits the Rail

Created (1/26/2024 10:29:56 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Thomas Schultz raised from middle position and Sherry Hammers defended her big blind to see a flop.

Hammers wasted little time getting her remaining 59,000 in the middle and Schultz snap-called.

Sherry Hammers:
Thomas Schultz:

Hammers was ahead after flopping top pair, and nothing changed after the dealer turned the .

The river was a great sight for Hammers at it improved her to trips and secured her double-up.

Schultz was left short after the hand and was eliminated a few hands later.

Sherry Hammers - 120,000
Thomas Schultz - 0