
Awarded to date

Bally's Black Hawk Casino: January 25 - 28, 2024

Michael Giardina Eliminated in 9th Place ($14,325)

Created (1/28/2024 9:36:31 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Sean Lee opened under the gun for 240,000 and Michael Giardina smooth called from the next seat over before Mo Nuwwarah three-bet to 1,5000,000 from the small blind.

Action folded back to Giardina who four-bet jammed and Nuwwarah called off his remaining 200,000.

Mo Nuwwarah:
Michael Giardina:

It was a cooler situation for Nuwwarah until the board ran out giving him the king-high flush for the double while Giardina was left short and eliminated the very next hand.

Mo Nuwwarah - 3,700,000
Sean Lee - 1,540,000
Michael Giardina - Eliminated