
Awarded to date

The Venetian: February 6 - 8, 2024

Sean Berman Wins Inaugural MSPT $1,100 Mystery Bounty Poker Bowl ($37,497 + $19,500 in Bounties)

Created (2/8/2024 8:10:57 PM by Anthony Thompson)


The first of two back-to-back Events at the Venetian Las Vegas has come to an end after nine hours of play as California native Sean Berman is the inaugural MSPT Venetian $1,100 Mystery Bounty Champion to take home trophy the top prize and a handful of bounties!

Season 15 MSPT Venetian $1,100 Mystery Bounty Poker Bowl Final Table Results
Place Player Prize POY
1st Sean Berman $37,479* 1,400
2nd Pedro Ingles $34,419* 1,200
3rd Ronnie Lamb $22,444 1,100
4th Steve Story $16,708 1,000
5th Craig Mason $12,625 900
6th Joseph Sanfeliu $9,684 800
7th Christina Gollins $7,543 700
8th David Jackson $5,968 600
9th Jason Brin $4,797 500

*denotes heads-up ICM chop

MSPT Venetian $1,100 Mystery Bounty Poker Bowl Final Table
MSPT Venetian $1,100 Mystery Bounty Poker Bowl Final Table
Day 2 Action

The final day came back with 35 players already in the money with 35 bounty envelopes ready to be divvied up, so action kicked right into gear with Jack Corrigan delivering the first knockout blow to Chip Jett to collect the first bounty of the day.

Action across the final four tables continued with players dropping like wildfire as players lined up to cash in on their bounty slips.

Michael Helander was the first beneficiary of a big pull, as he collected $10,000 with his first bounty slip while Carrigan followed by notching off the only $15,000 prize on his way over to the payout cage.

Michael Helander pulls first $10,000 bounty!
Jack Corrigan all smiles after a $15,000 pull

With only two of the top bounties gone, players continued with their aggressive style with Craig Mason collecting bounty slips which ultimately led to him pulling $12,500 with his three trips up to the mystery bounty drum.

Criag Mason pulls first $5,000 bounty prize
Craig Mason pulls second $5,000 bounty!

The fast-paced action kept rolling with players like two-time bracelet winner Shannon Shorr (13th Place - $3,253), Gerald Morrell (12th Place - $3,253) MSPT champ Nick Jivkov (11th Place - $3,981), and Josh Albert (10th Place - $3,981) all being sent to the rail before the final table with Berman pulling the final $10,000 bounty before the action started.

Sean Berman checks off the final $10,000 bounty prize
Final Table Action

With the $25,000 still on the bounty board, bodies kept dropping from the felt with Jason Brin becoming the final table elimination after he failed to hit live cards against Christina “Baby Shark” Gollins..

The very next level saw two-time bracelet winner David Jackson takeoff for a race against Pedro Ingles only to have his pocket jacks come up short against Ingles Big Slick.

After Jackson's departure, Gollins was able to secure a couple double-ups before her run came to an end after to Berman paired his lucky lady on the river sending her home in seventh place.

Christina “Baby Shark” Gollins

Once players returned from a quick 15-minute break, start of day chip leader Joseph Sanfeliu saw his tournament end in sixth place after he failed to make Broadway against Berman who held a top pair of aces.

In the same level, Mason got his short stack in the middle after connecting with his ace on the flop, only to have Ingles roll over the same holding a dominating kicker.

Mason held Broadway outs going to the river, but it fell a brick and made a fifth place exit for $12,625 plus that in bounties.

With four players remaining, Berman and Ingles would split eliminating their other two opponents with Berman dropping short stack Steve Story in fourth place ($16,708 + bounties), while Ingles dropped Ronnie Lamb shortly after in third place ($22,444 + bounties),

From there, the heads-up match was almost even, with Berman holding a slight edge over Ingles until he set-up a double to even out the chip counts which prompted an ICM chop which saw Berman take the title for $37,479 + $19,500 in bounties while Ingles secured $35,419 along with $27,250 in bounties.

Pedro Inges pulls top bounty!

This wraps up the coverage of this event but make sure to tune into our $1,600 Main Event with live updates beginning tomorrow!

MSPT Venetian Poker Bowl Remaining Schedule
Date Time (PDT) Tournament Chips Blind Levels
9-Feb 11:10 AM $1,600 Main Event Day 1B (2-Day Trophy Event) 30,000 40 Minutes
10-Feb 11:00 AM $1,600 Main Event Day 2 Restart (2-Day Trophy Event) - 40 Minutes