
Awarded to date

The Venetian: February 8 - 10, 2024

Big Slick Does the Trick for Pock, Hand-for-Hand Begins

Created (2/9/2024 10:59:39 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Allen Pock limped-in from the hijack and the button raised to 16,000.

Yuzu Wang called from the big blind taking back to Pock who fired out a 71,000 three-bet, and button four-bet jammed for 120,000 prompting a fold from Wang.

Pock quickly called and the two players tabled their hands,

Allen Pock:

Pock was ahead holding a dominating ace and the runout eliminated his opponent in 27th place in which began the hand-for-hand process.

Allen Pock - 710,000
Yuzu Wang - 676,000