
Awarded to date

The Venetian: February 8 - 10, 2024

Andrew Moreno Eliminated in 3rd Place ($52,475)

Created (2/10/2024 8:48:48 PM by Anthony Thompson)


There was heads-up action between Terry Fleischer from the small and Andrew Moreno from the big blind with a board showing.

With over 1,000,000 already in the middle, Fleischer check-jammed for 3,760,000 after Moreno fired out a 480,000 bet, and Moreno called holding slightly less.

Andrew Moreno:
Terry Fleischer:

Fleischer pulled ahead after turning the straight, but Moreno still held outs as any diamond would win him the pot while a none diamond nine would chop it up.

Unfortunately for Moreno, the paired the board on the river and ended his Main Event run in third place for $52,475.

Terry Fleischer - 8,785,000
Stanley Weng - 2,015,000
Andrew Moreno - Eliminated