
Awarded to date

Hollywood Casino: February 22 - 25, 2024

Sablotny Cools Off Ronko in Set-Over-Set

Created (2/24/2024 12:59:42 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Scott Clark opened for 18,000 from early position only to have HB Sablotny three-bet to 75,000 directly to his left.

Action was on Boris Ronko who called from late position and Clark quickly got out of the way paving a flop.

Sablotny moved all-in and Ronko snapped-off his shorter stack.

Boris Ronko:
HB Sablotny:

It was a cooler situation for Ronko as his set of ladies were second best to Sablotny’s set of aces, and the turn left him needing the case queen to stay alive.

Unfortunately for Ronko, the completed the board on the river and ended his night.

HB Sablotny - 490,000
Boris Ronko - 0