
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: March 14 - 17, 2024

Hanner Flushes Reyes for KO

Created (3/15/2024 12:28:33 AM by Anthony Thompson)


A series of preflop raises led to Brandon Reyes getting his 46,000 stack in the middle from the small blind and was called by Zac Campbell from under the gun before Jon Hanner isolated after going over the top for 112,000 more.

Brandon Reyes:
Jon Hanner:

Reyes had Hanner dominated and the flop paired his king, but also gave him a sweat as it gave Hanner straight and flush draws.

Unfortunately for Reyes, the sweat didn’t last long as the dealer turned the giving Hanner the nuts and Reyes was left drawing dead to the river.

Jon Hanner - 250,000
Brandon Reyes - 0