
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: March 14 - 17, 2024

Wilding Calls Correctly, Trips Up Reichard

Created (3/17/2024 10:05:31 PM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT Hall of Famer Josh Reichard raised to 250,000 from the cutoff and Jake Wilding defended his big blind to see a flop.

Wilding check-called a 250,000 continuation bet from Reichard, and the turn was checked to the river.

Wilding led out for 400,000 only to be faced with a 2,100,000 raise from Reichard, sending him into the tank.

After some careful thought, Wilding called, and the two players tabled their hands.

Reichard tabled and Wilding was relieved to table to scoop the pot with trip queens.

Jake Wilding - 8,000,000
Josh Reichard - 3,100,000