
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: March 14 - 17, 2024

Loren Rice Eliminated in 4th Place ($44,873)

Created (3/17/2024 10:57:11 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Jake Wilding opened for 325,000 and was called by Rich Alsup from the button before Loren Rice squeezed his short stack in the middle from the small blind.

Action was on George Dietz who went over top from the big blind giving Rice isolation.

Loren Rice:
George Dietz:

Rice was behind holding an inferior ace but picked-up more outs after the flop gave him a Wheel draw.

The turn paired both players bringing possible chop outs if a three or deuce were to fall on the river, but the completed the board and ended his Main Event.

George Dietz - 5,000,000
Loren Rice - Eliminated