
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024

Vang Saved by the River

Created (4/27/2024 10:14:07 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Joseph Von Schrader opened under the gun for 10,000 and then called MSPT Hall of Famer Kou Vang’s 58,000 three-bet jam from the hijack.

Kou Vang:
Joseph Von Schrader:

Vang was flipping for his tournament life and didn’t mind the flop that came paired.

The turn left Vang needing help on the river and luckily for him, the dealer delivered with the to keep his Main Event hopes alive.

After the hand, Schrader was left short and eliminated a few hands later.

Kou Vang - 120,000
Joseph Von Schrader - Eliminated