
Awarded to date

Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024

Hinton Soars to the Top with Cowboys

Created (4/28/2024 11:40:17 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Sean Hinton raised from the cutoff and Chuck Kersey defended his big blind to see a flop.

Kersey check-raised to 1,500,000 after Hinton continued for 700,000 and Hinton three-bet jammed for 3,950,000.

Action was back on Kersey who took little time before making the call, and the two players tabled their hands.

Sean Hinton:
Chuck Kersey:

Hinton was ahead holding a made hand of kings and fade the turn and river to take the final table chip lead.

Sean Hinton - 8,800,000
Chuck Kersey - Eliminated