
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: May 2 - 5, 2024

Acker Cracks Winsaft's Cowboys for a Double

Created (5/5/2024 4:50:08 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Lance Winsaft raised from late position and Tim Acker called from the cutoff to see a flop.

Winsaft continued for 150,000 and Acker called bringing about the turn. Winsaft then doubled his bet, firing out 300,000 only to have Acker raise all-in for 445,000.

Winsaft priced himself in and reluctantly tossed out a call putting Acker at risk.

Tim Acker:
Lance Winsaft:

Acker was ahead after pairing his ace on the flop, and the river secured his double-up.

Tim Acker- 1,490,000
Lance Winsaft - 1,100,000