
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: May 2 - 5, 2024

Acker Straightens Out Lopez for a Near Double

Created (5/5/2024 4:59:33 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Tim Acker raised from the hijack and Adrian Lopez defended his big blind to see a flop.

Lopez check-called a continuation bet from Acker, bringing about the turn. Lopez check-called another 215,000 bet from Acker, and the completed the board on the river.

This time, Lopez turned the aggressor and led out for 200,000. Acker wasn’t having any of it and fired back with a 600,000 raise leaving himself just 110,000 behind.

The raise unsettled Lopez and after some careful thought, he called. Acker was quick to table for the king-high straight and it was good as Lopez released his hand into the muck.

Tim Acker - 1,850,000
Adrian Lopez - 1,300,000