
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: May 2 - 5, 2024

Lance Winsaft Eliminated in 4th Place ($22,960)

Created (5/5/2024 7:17:19 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Adrian Lopez raised the button and then cammed Lance Winsaft’s 500,000 three-bet jam from the small blind.

Lance Winsaft:
Adrian Lopez:

Winsaft get his chips in the middle holding another superior made hand and the flop didn’t change a thing.

“Come-on six,” Lopez uttered out just before the dealer peeled off the on the turn giving him a set to the lead once again.

Winsaft now needed a nine to stay alive, but the completed the board on the river sending him home in fourth place for $22,960.

Adrian Lopez - 2,100,000
Lance Winsaft - Eliminated