
Awarded to date

Sycuan Casino Resort: May 2 - 5, 2024

Eicher Draws First Blood, Rivers Ozturk for Double

Created (5/5/2024 8:20:45 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Noel Eicher raised and Umut Ozturk called to see a flop.

Ozturk wasted little time moving all-in, and Eicher called off his 3,020,000 stack.

Noel Eicher:
Umut Ozturk:

Both players connected with the flop, but Ozturk was ahead holding the dominating kicker.

The dealer then turned and everything was looking good for Ozturk until the fell on the river giving Eicher a better two-pair to take the heads-up chip lead.

Noel Eicher - 6,500,000
Umut Ozturk - 2,890,000