
Awarded to date

FireKeepers Casino: May 16 - 19, 2024

Daniel Schill Eliminated in 7th Place ($66,113)

Created (5/19/2024 11:56:22 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Kevin Oswald opened under the gun and then called Daniel Schill’s three-bet jam from the big blind.

Daniel Schill:
Kevin Oswald:

It was a fair fight with Schil holding the slight lead holding a made hand of nines and the flop didn’t change that fact.

However, Schill’s fortune changed after the dealer turned the to put Oswald out in front with top pair.

Schill was hoping to see a nine fall on the river, but the completed the board and ended his Main Event run in seventh place for $66,113.

Kevin Oswald - 27,500,000
Daniel Schill - Eliminated