
Awarded to date

The Venetian: June 3 - 5, 2024

Tony Miles Eliminated in Third Place for $87,600

Created (6/6/2024 12:13:10 AM by Ryan Lucchesi)


Tony Miles was all in short from the big blind with in the hole, and Chris Meyers had him covered holding on the small blind.

The board ran out to give Meyers two-pair. Miles was eliminated in third place for a payout worth $87,600. Meyers held close to 18 million after the hand. That gives hima commanding chip lead before the final match against the 3.15 million of Safwane Bahri.

Chris Meyers - 17,730,000 (70 bb)
Safwane Bahri - 3,150,000 (12 bb)
Tony Miles - Eliminated in Third Place ($87,600)