Sycuan Casino Resort: January 11 - 14, 2024


Davids Calls Correctly, Out Kicks Fortuno for Double

Created (1/13/2024 12:26:32 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Robert Fortuno raised from middle position and Max Davids called from the small blind to see a flop.

Davids check-raised to 35,000 after Fortuno fired out a 18,000 continuation bet and was quickly faced with a three-bet jam.

The bet put Davis stack at risk and after a good amount of time in the tank, he called off his 118,000 stack.

Max Davids:
Robert Fortuno:

Davids made the correct call, as he saw he held the dominating kicker after both players flopped top pair, and e turn followed by the river secured his double-up.

Max Davids - 240,000
Robert Fortuno - 60,000