Sycuan Casino Resort: January 11 - 14, 2024


Griener Dropped in Final Hand

Created (1/13/2024 1:25:25 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Nissar Quraishi raised from the cutoff only to have Jared Griener three-bet jam for 51,000 from the small blind.

Action was on chip leader Jesus Bastardo whop called from the big blind, and Quraishi came along as well bringing about a flop.

Bastardo led out for 30,000 and Quraishi quickly released his hand.

Jared Griener:
Jesus Bastardo:

Griener didn’t like seeing he was dominated, and things got worse after the dealer turned the which left him drawing dead to the river, making him the final elimination of the night.

Jesus Bastardo - 1,000,000
Nissar Quraishi - 148,000
Jared Griener - 0