Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024


Stevermer Survives

Created (4/26/2024 1:21:33 AM by Anthony Thompson)


After losing a race with pocket in a previous hand, Dennis Stevermer got his remaining 75,000 stack in the middle from the button and Paul Loeffler looked him up from the small blind.

Dennis Stevermer:
Paul Loeffler:

Stevermer didn’t like seeing Loeffler roll over a dominating ace and stood from his chair just before the dealer dropped a flop.

Stevermer then knocked on the table, acting like it was all but over until the was peeled off on the turn putting him out on front.

Once the completed the board on the river, Stevermer took his seat and collected his chips.

Dennis Stevermer - 150,000
Paul Loeffler - 65,000