Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024


O'Connell Straightens Out Seeliger for Double Up

Created (4/28/2024 11:24:31 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Robert O’Connell was all in preflop for 3,325,000 from the button and Eric Seeliger called from the big blind.

Robert O’Connell:
Eric Seeliger:

It was a classic with the flop giving O’Connell s gutshot straight draw.

The turn fell the completing O’Connell’s straight but it wasn’t without a sweat as it also gave Seeliger the nut flush draw.

Luckily for O’Connell, the paired the board on the river and secured his double-up.

Robert O’Connell - 6,800,000
Eric Seeliger - 525,000