Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024


Eric Seeliger Eliminated in 5th Place ($41,684); Chuck Kersey Eliminated in 6th Place ($31,679)

Created (4/28/2024 11:50:32 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Chuck Kersey open-jammed 1,000,000 from the cutoff and Sean Hinton went over the top from the small blind.

Action was on Eric Seeliger who looked down at his cards and decided they were good enough to risk his 1,325,000 stack.

Chuck Kersey:
Eric Seeliger:
Sean Hinton:

Seeliger made the correct call as he was ahead holding a made hand of eights and nothing changed after the flop hit the felt.

However, the dealer turned the giving Hinton a Broadway draw and then proceeded to follow with the on the river to secure him the double elimination.

Sean Hinton - 11,400,000
Eric Seeliger - Eliminated
Chuck Kersey - Eliminated