Running Aces Casino: April 25 - 28, 2024


Carl Carodenuto Eliminated in 3rd Place ($73,696)

Created (4/29/2024 1:10:31 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Three-time MSPT champ Carl Carodenuto raised all in for 3,000,000 from the small blind and Miguel Martinez called from the big blind.

Carl Carodenuto:
Miguel Martinez:

Carodenuto didn’t like seeing he was dominated after the cards were tabled but didn’t mind the paired flop that brought chop possibilities.

Unfortunately for the three-time champ, neither the turn nor the river were cards he wanted to see as his tournament ended in third place for $73,696.

Sean Hinton - 15,630,000
Miguel Martinez - 10,200,000
Carl Carodenuto - Eliminated