JACK Cleveland Casino: May 7 - 12, 2024


Lady Luck Secures Wozney a Double, Hard Stop Reached

Created (5/10/2024 11:19:45 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Roger Wozney raised from middle position and Jason Bradley called from the small blind.

Once the flop hit the felt, Bradley check-jammed after Wonzey continued for 15,000 and Wonzey called off his 80,000 stack.

Roger Wozney:
Jason Bradley:

Bradley was ahead holding trip sevens but unfortunately for him, they weren’t lucky as the dealer turned the giving Wonzey a better full house, and the river secured him the double-up.

After the hand, Bradley was left with just 13,000 and was eliminated shortly after reaching the hard stop of 23 players with 30:40 remaining in level 15.

Roger Wozney - 231,000
Jason Bradley - 0