JACK Cleveland Casino: May 7 - 12, 2024


Andy Manchen Eliminated in 3rd Place ($54,749)

Created (5/12/2024 11:29:28 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Andy Manchen raised all in from the small blind and MSPT champ Bobby Noel looked him up from the big blind.

Andy Manchen:
Bobby Noel:

The fop fell giving Noel top pair but also keeping Manchen alive with a gut shot straight draw.

The turn wasn’t the worst card for Manchen as it gave him some more outs with a double gutter, but the paired the board on the river and ended his Main Event in third place for $54,749.

Bobby Noel - 10,960,000
Kyle Gross - 7,100,000
Andy Manchen - Eliminated