FireKeepers Casino: May 16 - 19, 2024


Curtis Vierstraete Eliminated in 6th Place ($84,288)

Created (5/20/2024 12:18:23 AM by Anthony Thompson)


MSPT champ Curtis Vierstraete raised from the cutoff and Steve Wangler called from the small blind, bringing about a flop.

Action went check-check, and the fell on the turn. Wangler wasted little time moving all in and after some careful thought, Vierstraete called off his 5,000,000 stack.

Curtis Vierstraete:
Steve Wangler:

Vierstraete was behind holding outs, but the that fell on the river wasn’t one of them as it ended his Main event run in sixth place for $84,288.

Steve Wangler - 19,000,000
Curtis Vierstraete - Eliminated