JACK Cleveland Casino: August 13 - 18, 2024


Joe Makdessi Eliminated in 5th Place ($41,941)

Created (8/18/2024 11:05:18 PM by Anthony Thompson)


Action folded to Joe Makdessi who moved his short stack in the middle from the small blind and MSPT champ Chris Moon looked him up from the big blind.

Joe Makdessi:
Chris Moon:

Makdessi was behind holding two suited connectors and didn’t mind the flop that gave him more outs with an open-ended straight draw.

The then paired the board on the turn, leaving Makdessi needing some help on the river to stay alive.

Unfortunately for him, the completed the board and ended his run in fifth place for $41,941.

Chris Moon - 8,850,000
Joe Makdessi - Eliminated