
Awarded to date

Riverside Casino: July 20 - 23, 2023

Reid Out Kicks Tolander for KO

Created (7/23/2023 12:11:39 AM by Anthony Thompson)


There was four-way action after a flop and action was checked to Terence Reid who fired out 13,000 from the hijack position.

Stann Webb folded his button while Adam Tolander check-jammed for roughly a starting stack from the small blind.

Action was on Dan Dombrowski who released his hand and Reid snap-called.

Adam Tolander:
Terence Reid:

Both players flopped top pair, but Toalnder had kicker issues and neither the turn nor the river improved his hand as he was eliminated from the tournament.

Dan Dombrowski - 238,000
Terence Reid - 157,000
Stan Webb - 90,000
Adam Tolander - Eliminated