
Awarded to date

Ameristar East Chicago: August 8 - 13, 2023

Reichard Outflips Batterman

Created (8/10/2023 11:58:13 PM by Liam Gannon)


Joe Batterman raised to 8,000 in early position which saw action fold around to Josh Reichard in the small blind who three bet to 38,000. Action folded back to Batterman who moved all in for 185,000 and Reichard called.

Joe Batterman:
Josh Reichard:

The flop of put Reichard squarely in the lead with top set, but the turn provided a little bit of a sweat in the form of a gutshot. The river did not complete Batterman’s gutshot and he wished his table luck as the MSPT hall of famer took down a massive pot to ascend up the counts.

Josh Reichard - 431,000
Joe Batterman - Eliminated