
Awarded to date

Grand Falls Casino: August 18 - 20, 2023

"3 Putts" for the Double

Created (8/20/2023 12:14:25 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Nghia "3 Putts" Le raised to 9,000 from early position only to have MSPT champ John Dennehey three-bet to 25,000 from the next seat over.

Action quickly folded back to Le who four-bet all in for 92,000 and Dennehey snap-called.

Nghia "3 Putts" Le:
John Dennehey:

It was a classic cooler with Le holding the best made hand and the runout secured his double-up.

Nghia "3 Putts" Le - 187,000
John Dennehey - 78,000