
Awarded to date

Grand Falls Casino: August 18 - 20, 2023

Urbatsch Dodges for Late Night Double

Created (8/20/2023 1:21:55 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Rob Urbatsch was all in preflop for 83,000 from the big blind and was called by MSPT champ Umut Ozturk from the button.

Rob Urbatsch:
Umut Ozturk:

Urbatsch was out in front holding the better kicker but the flop came paired bringing possible chop outs.

The sweat continued for Urbatsch after the dealer turned the giving Ozturk the nut flush draw, but the completed the board on the river and secured his double-up.

Umut Ozturk - 350,000
Rob Urbatsch - 165,000