FireKeepers Casino: May 16 - 19, 2024


Dudley Collects with Aces, Hard Stop Reached

Created (5/18/2024 12:11:23 AM by Anthony Thompson)


After an initial raise, three-time WSOP bracelet winner Dash Dudley three-bet to 40,000 from the cutoff and was called by the initial raiser.

The two went heads-up to a flop, and Dudley’s opponent check-raised to 40,000 after he continued for 15,000 and Dudley called.

Once the hit the turn, Dudley called a 65,000 bet from his opponent and the completed the board on the river.

Dudley’s opponent check-called a 25,000 bet and he rolled over to scoop the pot.

Meanwhile, a flurry of eliminations saw the hard stop of 117 players reached and play has ended for the evening.

Dash Dudley - 550,000