JACK Cleveland Casino: August 13 - 18, 2024


Ezzie Trips Up Bai to go Over a Milly, Hand-for-Hand Begins

Created (8/17/2024 12:14:59 AM by Anthony Thompson)


There was a massive pot brewing between MSPT champ Richard Bai from the hijack and Ray Ezzie from the cutoff with a board showing.

With roughly 200,000 already in the middle, Bai check-called a 85,000 bet from Ezzie to see the complete the board on the river.

With three spades and a paired board, Bai checked his option once again only to be faced with an all-in bet from Ezzie.

The bet sent Bai deep into the tank after a good amount of time went by, he decided to call off his 250,000 stack.

Ezzie tabled for trip jacks which was good as Bai tossed into the muck and took his exit from the field beginning the hand-for-hand process.

Ray Ezzie - 1,090,000
Richard Bai - 0