Ameristar East Chicago: August 29 - September 2, 2024


Reichard Takes Over The Chip Lead

Created (8/31/2024 10:20:54 PM by Liam Gannon)


Action was recapped by the table as Brett “Pops” Reichard was seen raking in a massive pot.

After 60,000 went in from each player before the flop, Reichard in the big blind checked the flop of over to Luis Yepez on the button who checked behind.

On the turn , Reichard checked over to Yepez who bet 80,000 and Reichard called.

The river peeled off the and Reichard checked a third time over to Yepez who bet 160,000. Reichard counted out the chips and gave Yepez an intense stare while he contemplated the decision.

Reichard decided to call and was delighted to see Yepez turn over for jack-high as he tabled for tens up which was good for the pot and the overall chip lead.

Brett Reichard - 650,000 (130 bb)
Luis Yepez - 204,000 (40 bb)