
Awarded to date

Hollywood Casino St. Louis: February 18 - 23, 2025

Hurley Sets Up Breedings Cowboys for Survival

Created (2/21/2025 12:37:09 AM by Anthony Thompson)


Brett “Pops” Reichard opened under the gun with a raise only to have Mike Hurley three-bet jam for 130,000 from the small blind, and Tyler Breeding go over the top from the big blind, giving him isolation.

Mike Hurley:
Tyler Breeding:

Hurley rolled over the inferior made hand with not much changing after the flop hitting the felt.

The turn, however, fell the giving Hurley more outs with the spade flush draw but he didn’t need it, as the dealer peeled off the on the river to secure his double-up with a set of fours.

Mike Hurley - 260,000
Tyler Bleeding - 100,000